Why you should go to Greek Picnics: KCGP Seven Year Anniversary

Why you should go to Greek Picnics: KCGP Seven Year Anniversary

The summer has taken its toll on the Greek community, and Greek picnic's are in full swing.

Greeks from all over bought their tickets online to mingle, stroll and link up with different Greeks. Attending summer Greek picnics are a good way to network and meet new people, especially being a neophyte, this can be your time to meet long lasting friends. Greek picnics are also times to make memories with your sisters and brothers.

"I had a good time with my LS's," Dauriel Willams said.

July 8th through July 15th Kansas City was filled with an array of events.  The events consisted of service, soul and socials.

KCGP started the week off with Service City of Truth in the morning, then towards the middle of the week began Tipsy Tuesday, and Greek Social. Although theses events started off the week, the main event was the 7th Annual Kansas City Greek Picnic, and after party. The picnic cost $7 to get in and, $20 for the After set.

"There were so many people present, lots of laughter and excitement, Greek unity, and dysfunctional family bonding taking place," Andrea Gordon said. "Plenty of vendors, the place got strolled out, and people didn't care if it was raining."

This year Frat House Entertainment provided a KCGP tour which included a tour bus, hotel, all access bands for the weekend, and free  liquor for a quality price. On that Sunday there was a day party and brunch which concluded the week. Greeks from all over came for the festivities.

"Picnics give you the opportunity to network, not only with members of your own organization, but with members of other organizations as well," Ga'Kia Baker said.

KCGP was full of different events, but they couldn't forget about service. A "Clean up the Streets" event was hosted on 33rd & Indiana to give back to the neighborhood.



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